My Projects

See all my current and past projects.

On this page, I have laid out a timeline that highlights all the interesting projects that I have done in my free time, as well as for classwork. These projects are all related to my interests, and include topics such as embedded programming, computer vision, machine learning, robotics, and more.

If a specific item sparks your interest, you may find a link on the project's card that will give more detailed information about that project. I will fill these out as I have time, but if I haven't written an article about a specific topic, no problem! Feel free to contact me about it.

If you're looking instead for an index of all my posts, head here .

Poster: A Novel Foundation Model for Estimating Brain MRI Health
May 31, 2024 -  Jun 11, 2024

I presented my first conference poster at 2024 SINAPSE ASM, Celebrating Scottish Research Conference and University of Glasgow CCNi's 15th Anniversary conference.

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Master's Dissertation: Characterising Open Cast Mining from Satellite Data
May 1, 2023 -  Aug 14, 2023

My master's dissertation project at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK.

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Automation Tool for Classification Datasets
May 20, 2020 -  Mar 9, 2022

A project to assist the creation of classification datasets -- particularly for facial recognition.

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Facial Detection with FasterRCNN
May 20, 2020 -  Jan 21, 2022

A project for preparing and training a FasterRCNN model on the WIDER dataset to detect faces. Achieved good accuracy and performance.

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Fun Holiday Automation
Aug 17, 2021 -  Sep 1, 2021

A fun holiday project to spice up my family's Christmas gift exchange.

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Multiplayer Pong Using an STM32F4 and a LED Matrix Display
Sep 5, 2019 -  Jul 23, 2021

Multiplayer pong table game made using an STM32F4-Nucleo board and a LED matrix display. I am writing the game engine from scratch in C. It has simple controls and a basic AI, as well as different modes to play. I also designed and laser-cut a nice acrylic case for it.

Identifying Regulatory SNPs with Machine Learning
Mar 6, 2020 -  Mar 20, 2020

Machine Learning project for identifying and predicting regulatory SNPs in nucleotide sequences.

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Personal Website Built with Nuxt, Vuetify, and Gitlab Pages
Dec 9, 2019 -  Feb 12, 2020

A personal website to show off my work and host my resume. Built (nearly) from scratch using Nuxt, Vuetify, and Gitlab Pages.

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Procedurally Generated Trees with OpenGL and GLSL Shaders
Nov 28, 2019 -  Dec 6, 2019

A solo class project for my computer graphics class at OSU. It featured a custom algorithm for procedurally generating trees. I also wrote some interesting fragment shaders to see how I could change the appearance of the trees.

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Global Sea Ice 3D Visualization
Dec 2, 2019 -  Dec 4, 2019

3D Visualization of global sea ice area change over time. Created using Processing, and used as part of a larger research project.

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Universal IIoT - My Senior Capstone Project
Sep 1, 2018 -  May 1, 2019

A client-sponsored team design project that I undertook for my senior capstone at Oregon State University, with the goal of developing a new 'Universal' Industrial IoT device.

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Super-Resolution using CNN's in PyTorch
Nov 20, 2018 -  Dec 5, 2018

An independent final project for my 'digital image processing' class at OSU. I implemented and trained a custom CNN in PyTorch to achieve scaling (super-resolution) on input images.

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Desktop GUI Built with Electron and Vue
Mar 20, 2018 -  May 1, 2018

A custom desktop GUI application using Electron and Vue that was used to communicate via UDP with our IoT device. It featured multi-client communication, live setpoint, and graphing capabilities.

Live Audio/Music Visualizer in Processing (Java)
Apr 14, 2018 -  Apr 15, 2018

An audio-visualizer that I wrote in Processing with my wife during an HP-sponsored HWeekend event at OSU. We achieved 2nd place and won some HP backpacks and an HP Sprocket printer.

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DIY Arduino Pen Plotter
Dec 27, 2017 -  Apr 14, 2018

An Arduino-based pen plotter that I made using custom 3D-printed parts and a hot-glue gun. The final product ran smoothly, and could be used with any software that could output Gcode.

Self-Charging Autonomous Robot
Oct 1, 2017 -  Mar 25, 2018

An autonomous self-charging robot, which featured computer vision, IR communication, a Raspberry Pi, and text-to-speech. I led a three-man team to create this as part of a 14-week project at OSU. We achieved the highest technical award for our completed project.

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Product Test Automation Controller
Sep 15, 2015 -  Dec 12, 2015

Shortly before my freshman year of college, I was hired by an archery company to create the electronic controller for automating the test process for recurve bows. During the course of the project I designed my first permanent circuit and PCB.

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